Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Experimenting with TechSmith Relay - Screencast #1 - Formatting a Word Document Tutorial for Students

As part of my sabbatical goal to learn screencasting, my objective #3 indicated I would learn Camtasia.  Approximately 10 years ago I took a F2F @ONE course on Camtasia, which has since been purchased by TechSmith and renamed "Relay," and is available for free to all MiraCosta faculty.

TechSmith Relay was very easy to use but I should probably learn more about the different options and functions if I plan to use it more in the future.  I found that the captions were very bad.  YouTube does a much better job of accuracy in captions.

Lesson learned: Write a script and do a few run-throughs first. I flubbed up the words/terminology and pronunciation a few times.

As time permits, I will experiment with other screencasting products, such as Screen-o-matic.  Anyway, here is my first tutorial for students.

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